Setting an intention

Every day I hope there is something to look forward to, to be positive about, and to get me excited. We can often be faced with obstacles that make it difficult to see the light of the day. But I think we have a chance if we put some effort into it and manifest a positive vibe for the day at least. I do this by setting an intention for the day. Something to remind myself, or to stay on track with a positive outlook. Today i heard the words “trust yourself” and I thought that was quite powerful. Just to know that you will do the right thing, or get through that hard work-out, or finish what you set out to do… those are the times when you really need to trust yourself.

I sometimes set intentions for paintings. I make rules or guidelines to keep me focused during the process. This may be limiting my palette, or working along a horizon line, or making a gesture drawing as guideline. It can be anything, be creative on your intentions.

Today in class at Catlin Gabel, we worked on painting the same image in multiple ways. How can you paint the same thing several times with different approaches? Woking small, about 5x7” allows some freedom and less inhibition to try new things, do something different, take risks. This is a wonderful exercise to learn to “trust yourself” and learn something new.




Pink Backed Pelican… “this is a painting”